30.1 C
New Delhi
Tuesday, July 2, 2024
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Prevent ChatGPT’s Voice Feature from Interrupting You: A Guide

In Short:People are testing out voice-only AI features by chatting with ChatGPT while driving in Silicon Valley. However, some users are finding it difficult...

Meta begins training more powerful successor to Llama 3

In Short:Mark Zuckerberg announced on Instagram that Meta will integrate new Meta AI assistant, Llama 3, into Whatsapp, Instagram, Facebook, and Messenger. The company...

What happens if your AI girlfriend despises you?

In Short:An AI app called AngryGF simulates scenarios where users interact with an angry AI girlfriend to improve communication skills. The app offers various...

Prevent Your Data From Being Utilized to Train Artificial Intelligence

In Short:OpenAI advises ChatGPT users to adjust settings to control data usage. Dall-E 3 also allows image removal requests. Perplexity, Quora, Rev, and Slack...

Let Light Power AI Supercomputers for Better Performance

In Short:GlobalFoundries, a chip maker for companies like AMD and GM, partners with Lightmatter to revolutionize AI algorithms. Lightmatter's Passage technology could lead to...

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