In Short:Indus Towers received Rs 360 crore from Vodafone Idea towards old dues, but its trade receivables increased by Rs 430 crore. Despite part-clearance...
In Short:In 2023, funding for AI startups focused more on core technologies and specific customer solutions rather than general-purpose applications. Startups are investing in...
In Short:The Supreme Court refused to allow the government's request to allocate spectrum administratively. The government wanted to review a 2012 order, but the...
In Short:Maincubes, a German colocation firm, has opened its second data center in Frankfurt, FRA02, after experiencing delays due to COVID-19. The facility offers...
In Short:The entry of Reliance Jio in 2016 led to competitive mobile tariffs in India, causing challenges for Mobile Virtual Network Operators (MVNOs) in...