30.7 C
New Delhi
Sunday, June 30, 2024
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Great Search: Borrowing or Stealing?

In Short:Web crawling has been used by companies like Google and Perplexity AI to absorb articles for their summarizing machines. WIRED senior writer Kate...

AI Chatbots Running for Office – The Future of Politics?

In Short:In Wyoming, a man named Victor Miller created a chatbot named VIC. VIC is programmed to focus on transparency, economic development, and innovation...

Embracing Google’s AI Overviews: Learning to Navigate Daily Life

In Short:Google has been introducing AI features, including AI Overviews which provide summarized information in search results. However, these summaries have faced criticism for...

The AI Election: Technology’s Impact on Politics

In Short:Generative AI technology is being used in political campaigns, with companies like ElevenLabs and ChatGPT being involved in creating deep fakes and chatbots...

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