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New Delhi
Thursday, October 3, 2024

DoT Extends Deadline for Mandatory Security Tests on Wi-Fi CPE and Routers

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In Short:

The Department of Telecommunications (DoT) has extended the deadline for mandatory security testing of Wi-Fi equipment and IP routers by one month. Originally set for October 1, 2024, the delay comes because only a few companies have applied for certification. To ensure a steady supply of products, applicants will receive a temporary certificate valid for six months while they await full certification. The DoT has also addressed industry concerns, allowing internal test reports to qualify for certification and enabling companies to share these reports with the National Centre for Communication Security to protect sensitive information.

DoT Extends Deadline for Security Testing of Wi-Fi Equipment

The **Department of Telecommunications (DoT)** is shaking things up a bit by granting a one-month extension for mandatory security testing of **Wi-Fi customer premises equipment (CPE)** and **IP routers**!

New Timeline on the Horizon

This crucial security mandate was originally set to kick in on **October 1, 2024**, but with only a few companies having submitted their applications, the government stepped in to extend the deadline. The goal? To prevent any hiccups in the supply chain.

Streamlining Certification

To make life easier for applicants, the DoT has concluded that companies will receive a ‘**pro tem certificate**’ valid for six months. This will allow for an uninterrupted flow of products while they work on obtaining full certification.

Listening to Industry Concerns

Moreover, the DoT has taken significant steps to address various concerns raised by the industry. For example, they have agreed to accept internal test reports for certification, rather than the source code, easing some of the pressures on companies. Additionally, firms now have the option to share their test reports with the **National Centre for Communication Security (NCCS)**, rather than traditional test labs, should they have concerns about data security leaks.

Such proactive measures aim to foster a smoother and more secure environment for companies navigating these new requirements. It’s a win-win for everyone involved!

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